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Garrett Hongo

Poet, memoirist, and audio writer

Mike on Audio: A HiFi Journey with Garrett Hongo

Podcaster Mike Perez interviews Garrett Hongo on his book The Perfect Sound A HiFi Audio Journey with Garrett Hongo - Mike On Audio (podcast)01:08:00 - Discover the world of HiFi audio with Garrett Hongo, a renowned expert, and author in the field, as we delve into the secrets and essentials of high…Mike PerezMike Perez

Extended Play: An EP for Garrett Hongo by Christopher Spaide

Track 1 Once you start, there’s no stopping. Three Asian American men, a handful of years apart in age, held together by a common state (California) and a common vocation (poetry), are driving north on Highway 99, that 425-mile lifeline of the Central Valley, as straight a shot as geology allows. Ever since performing as a trio with musicians

Ballads and Break-Ups: A Playlist

In his memoir, The Perfect Sound, poet Garrett Hongo writes lyrically and lovingly about all of the ways music has defined his life — from the waves in Hawaii to the doo-wop and soul in LA to a ghostly lute in Rome — as well as his lifelong journey in pursuit of the perfect stereo set-up. In this playlist he put together

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